A little time has passed

I am a couple weeks into building my website and have launched an IG page which is humming nicely. At >50 years of age, I’m finding the learning curve for all this to be quite steep. I go through regular peaks and valleys of emotion which looks like, ‘OMG, I’m going to be able to quit my day job next year and do this full-time!’ to ‘OMG, all is lost, I’ve wasted hours of my time and a modest amount of money only to discover that I’m too old for this; I can’t learn enough, so why bother?’

However, I am still committed. So far, I have brought meaningful and helpful content to our local CSA on stir-fries with bok, choy, pumpkins soup, pumpkin smoothies and how to cook collard greens. Not too shabby considering that this idea was basically birthed Labor Day weekend.

I want to bring people not necessarily what they WANT but what they NEED. I am passionate about good health and nutrition. Did you know that 80% of cancer diagnoses can be attributed at least partially to poor nutrition? That was a startling statistic to me. And I honestly believe that we can achieve good health through solid nutrition without being a gourmet chef and without spending half of our disposable income on food.

So that’s what I’m bringing to the table. This is my mission. To bring healthy recipes and food prep tips to REAL people. To teach them how to find local food that didn’t live on a truck for half its life. This is how humans were designed to live, to live authentically and eat seasonally. I want people to WANT to eat fruits and veggies. I want them to be EXCITED to try new foods.

And in the process, I would LOVE to curb America’s health crisis. I’m one person with a tiny voice. But if I can reach 1 person, who then reaches another person and so on, I REALLY believe we can make difference…in our health, in our environment and in our world.