Comfort and Joy

This morning I woke up in a funk. I didn’t sleep well due in part, to the fact that my recovery smoothie, consumed after 4 pm yesterday, contained protein powder with caffeine.

I did some work despite feeling antsy, and as I do every day, I completed my devotional. I landed in Romans chapter 5 and mulled over the following words:

Peace, Faith, Hope, Perseverance, Joy, Love

In this post-Christmas season, it’s easy to feel listless and lost. Even though many are striving towards achievements in the New Year, it’s just not the same as the festive feel and joyous anticipation of the Christmas season.

That’s why I was so thrilled to stumble upon Comfort & Joy at the local coffee shop. Scrawled on an enormous coffee cup in the window of the shop, no doubt a holdover from Christmas festivities, this metaphorically, yet physically large reminder DID bring me comfort and joy.

Ironically, as I observed this timely message, I watched the town employees rip up the Christmas trees from the sidewalk stands and throw the wreaths in the back of a truck, seemingly useless now.

But are these things really useless? Are they just a sign of our impermanence and the disposable nature of our society? Or are they beacons of Hope and Joy?

I’ve been a practicing Christian for decades. I grew up going to church. Most of my friends are not church-goers. The older I get, the more sure I am of what my faith journey means and the angrier I get at how ‘Christians’ are portrayed by Christians. To me this monoker simply means to love others, to show kindness, to be respectful of Mother Nature and care for our planet, and to strive for commonality and unity instead of pointing out differences. I’m not very good at it but I’m committed. I told our current pastor when he first arrived that I drink beer, have many tattoos, use colorful language and believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our pastor is a bit younger than I am, so I thought I could get away with this and guess what? I did! He was nothing but gracious.

What, you may ask, does any of this have to do with good health and proper nutrition?

Well, I’ll tell you. My personal opinion involves the care and nurture of the WHOLE person: mind, body and spirit. I’ve known many seemingly perfect humans who SEEK. They are beautiful on the outside but hollow on the inside. They continually seek.

My faith has helped me fill that void inside…that space that feels large and empty when the newness wanes. The let-down after a particularly joyous season. The emptiness that settles in when a goal is reached and the feeling of victory has faded. But that’s life, right? Yep, it is. It’s just that sometimes we need a pick-me-up that this world with all its imperfections and headaches can’t provide.

Don’t get me wrong, my friends aren’t heathens. I hang out with some amazing people. These are folks with BIG, generous hearts who DO for others and have impact. I’m surrounded by goodness….and grateful for it.

If I lost you at the word devotional, that’s a shame. I wish you the best in your journey. I hope that time and love heal your wounds. I hope you laugh with joy and live life to its fullest and that your path is lit and your step is light.

Be well my friends.